Well, y’all, it has been an unexpected journey for me into the realm of spirit communication.
But a welcome one, filled with awe and appreciation. I grew up mostly in Nashville and Charlotte. As a young adult, I headed out to California to study business. Marketing has been my specialty over the years – first motion pictures while living in Los Angeles, and then outdoor adventures here on Kauai, Hawaii.
I was somewhat familiar with mediumship, but it had not yet emerged from within my heart. While channel surfing in 2013, I discovered the “Long Island Medium” television show. Well, I had no idea how helpful spirit communication could be. With tears streaming down my face, I exclaimed, “I want to do this!” And so, I experienced a profound ‘calling’ from within to pursue mediumship as a profession. Fast forward to 2015, and I enrolled at the Hawaii School of Mediumship Studies on Oahu.
People ask me how spirit communication happens. I’ll spare you seminars on quantum physics, brainwaves, etc.! It’s like opening an app, and your loved ones ‘on the other side’ stream into my conscious mind. Your session benefits everyone involved, including those who have passed. It can be life changing, y’all.
During a session I am not in a trance; I do not ‘become’ someone else. I experience a heightened sense of awareness internally. It’s a very still place that feels deep, light and expansive, all at the same time. People feel energized by a session; I do too!

Corinne Travillion
Radio Interview
Check out my interview with local KONG radio: